
21 January 2022

21ain o Ionawr 2022, o Y Glyn, Min-Y-Don, Llanfairpwll, hunodd yn dawel yn Ysbyty Dolgellau yn 79 mlwydd oed. Mam gariadus Carys a Wendy a mam-yng-nghyfraith Glyn. Nain balch Sian, Laura, Einir, Dewi a Llion a hen nain gofalgar i’w gor-wyrion a gor-wyresau. Annwyl chwaer Leslie, Kathleen, Hefin ag Alun. Diolch arbennig i’w chwiorydd yng nghyfraith Marion a Jill, ac hefyd i Bet, Einir, Susan a Laura am eu caredigrwydd a cefnogaeth. Mi fydd yn golled enfawr i’w theulu a’i ffrindiau. Gwasanaeth gyhoeddus ym mynwent Rhandir Hedd, Llanfairpwll ar Ddydd Llun 7fed o Chwefror 2022 am 12 o’r gloch. Blodau teulu yn unig. Ymholiadau drwy law yr ymgymerwyr R & A Hughes a’i Fab, Capel Penuel, Ffordd Glandwr, Llangefni, Ynys Môn, LL77 7EF. Ffôn: 01248 723 497.

21st January 2022, of Y Glyn, Min-Y-Don, Llanfairpwll, passed away peacefully at Dolgellau Hospital, aged 79 years. Loving mother of Carys and Wendy and mother-in-law of Glyn. Proud nain of Sian, Laura, Einir, Dewi and Llion and a fond great grandmother to her great grandchildren. Dear sister of Leslie, Kathleen, Hefin and Alun. Special thanks to her sisters in law Marion and Jill and to Bet, Einir, Susan and Laura for their kindness and support. Pat will be sadly missed by her family and friends. Public service at Rhandir Hedd cemetery, Llanfairpwll on Monday 7th February 2022 at 12pm. Family flowers only. Enquiries care of the funeral directors R & A Hughes and Son, Penuel Chapel, Ffordd Glandwr, Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7EF. Tel: 01248 723 497.

20 January 2022

20fed o Ionawr 2022, hunodd yn dawel yng Nghartref Glan Rhos, Brynsiencyn, yn 93 mlwydd oed. Annwyl wraig y diweddar Samuel. Chwaer gariadus i’r diweddar Owie, Twm, Huw, John, Griff ag Enid. Modryb annwyl i’w holl nithoedd a neiaint. Gwasanaeth gyhoeddus yng Nghapel Penuel, Llangefni ar ddydd Gwener, 4ydd o Chwefror 2022 am 11 o’r gloch ac yna rhoddir i orffwys ym mynwent Capel Peniel, Llannerch-y-medd. Derbynnir rhoddion yn ddiolchgar er cof am Mair tuag at Cartref Preswyl Brwynog, Amlwch (sieciau yn daladwy i ‘John Hughes a’i Fab Cyfrif Rhoddion’ neu gallwch wneud ar ein gwefan Ymholiadau a rhoddion drwy law yr ymgymerwyr, John Hughes a’i Fab, Britannia, Porth Amlwch, LL68 9HA. Ffôn: 01407 830461. Ebôst:

20th January 2022, passed away peacefully at Glan Rhos Nursing Home, Brynsiencyn, aged 93 years. Beloved wife of the late Samuel. Loving sister of the late Owie, Twm, Huw, John, Griff and Enid. A dear aunt to her nephews and nieces. Public service at Penuel Chapel, Llangefni on Friday 4th February 2022 at 11a followed by internment at Capel Peniel cemetery, Llannerch-y-medd. Donations will be gratefully accepted in memory of Mair towards Brwynog Residential Home, Amlwch (cheques payable to ‘John Hughes and Son Donations Account’ or please visit our website to make an online donation Enquiries and donations care of the funeral directors John Hughes & Son, Britannia, Machine St, Amlwch Port, LL68 9HA. Tel: 01407 830461. Email:

20 January 2022

20 Ionawr 2022

Yn annisgwyl yn dilyn damwain angheuol ar y ffordd gartref o’i waith ar Bont Britannia. Mab annwyl i Gareth a Jane a brawd hoffus i Carys a’i gŵr Andy, ewythr hwyliog i Sion Ynyr ac Elin Fflur. Bydd yn golled fawr i’w deulu a’i ffrindiau. Hoffai’r teulu ymestyn eu diolch a’u gwerthfawrogiad i bawb sydd wedi dangos cydymdeimlad iddynt yn ystod yr amser anodd hwn. Angladd cyhoeddus ym Mynwent Amlwch Dydd Sadwrn 5ed o Chwefror am 2.00 yh. Os ydych yn mynychu y gwasanaeth, rydym yn gofyn yn garedig am eich cydweithrediad gyda’r parcio. Rydym yn gofyn a wnewch barcio eich cerbyd ar hyd lon Tan-y-Bryn er mwyn cadw lon Burwen a’r lon tuag at y fynwent yn glir. Blodau teulu yn unig ond derbynnir os y dymunir yn ddiolchgar er cof am Marc tuag at Ambiwlans Awyr Gogledd Cymru (sieciau yn daladwy i ‘John Hughes a’i Fab Cyfrif Rhoddion’ neu gallwch wneud ar ein gwefan Ymholiadau a rhoddion trwy law yr ymgymerwr John Hughes a’i Fab, Britannia, Machine Street, Porth Amlwch LL68 9HA. Rhif ffôn: 01407 830461 Ebôst:

20 January 2022

Unexpectedly on his way home from work on Britannia Bridge following a fatal accident. Beloved son of Gareth and Jane, brother and best friend of Carys and her husband Andy humorous Uncle to Sion Ynyr and Elin Fflur. The family would like to extend their thanks and appreciation to everyone who expressed their condolences to them at this difficult time. It will be a great loss to the family and his friends. Public Service at Amlwch Cemetery on the 5th February 2022 at 2.00pm. If you are attending the service, we kindly ask for your cooperation with parking. Please park your vehicle on the Tan-y-Bryn road as we will be trying to keep the Burwen road and the access road to the cemetery clear. Family flowers only but donations if desired in remembrance of Marc towards the North Wales Air Ambulance (cheques payable to ‘John Hughes and Son Donations Account’ or please visit our website to make an online donation Enquiries and donations care of the funeral director John Hughes and Son, Britannia, Machine Street, Amlwch Port, LL68 9 HA. Telephone: 01407 830461. Email:

19 January 2022

Of Bryncir Estate, Llannerch-y-medd, passed away peacefully at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor, aged 84 years. Beloved husband of Gladys. Loving father of David, Michael, Sue and Elaine. Proud grandfather and great grandfather. John will be sadly missed by his family and friends. A public service and committal will be held at Bangor Crematorium on Monday 7th February 2022 at 3.30pm. Family flowers only but donations will be gratefully received in memory of John towards the Renal Unit at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor (cheques payable to ‘R & A Hughes and Son Donations Account’ or please visit our website to make an online donation Enquiries and donations care of the funeral directors R & A Hughes & Son, Capel Penuel, Ffordd Glandwr, Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7EF. Tel: 01248 723 497.

18 January 2022

18fed o Ionawr 2022, hunodd yn dawel yn ei chartref yn Stad Cynfor, Cemaes yn 81 mlwydd oed. Annwyl fam David. Nain gariadus a balch Kim a hen nain Kadie, Jayden a Morgan. Annwyl chwaer i’w chwiorydd a’i brodyr. Mi fydd yn golled enfawr i’w theulu a’i ffrindiau. Mi fydd gwasanaeth yn cael ei gynnal yn Amlosgfa Bangor ar Ddydd Sadwrn, 5ed o Chwefror 2022 am 11.30 o’r gloch. Blodau teulu yn unig ond derbynnir rhoddion yn ddiolchgar er cof am Marian tuag at Ymchwil Cancr Gogledd Orllewin (sieciau yn daladwy i ‘John Hughes a’i Fab Cyfrif Rhoddion’ neu gallwch wneud ar ein gwefan Ymholiadau a rhoddion drwy law yr ymgymerwyr, John Hughes a’i Fab, Britannia, Porth Amlwch, LL68 9HA. Ffôn: 01407 830461. Ebôst:

18th January 2022, passed away peacefully at her home in Maes Cynfor, Cemaes, aged 81 years. Dear mother of David. Loving and proud ‘nain’ to Kim and ‘hen nain’ to Kadie, Jayden and Morgan. Dear sister to her brothers and sisters. Marion will be sadly missed by her family and friends. A public service and committal will be held at Bangor Crematorium on Saturday, February 5th 2022 at 11.30am. Family flowers only but donations will be gratefully accepted in memory of Marian towards The North West Cancer Research (cheques payable to ‘John Hughes and Son Donations Account’ or please visit our website to make an online donation Enquiries and donations care of the funeral directors John Hughes & Son, Britannia, Machine St, Amlwch Port, LL68 9HA. Tel: 01407 830461. Email:

17 January 2022

Of Rhosybol, passed away peacefully at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Hospital, aged 92 years. Beloved wife of the late Hugh. Loving mother of David, Peter, Andrew, Sandra and the late Michael. Mother-in-law of Glen, Ania and Mandy. Proud grandmother of Ryan, Ilona, Lee, Dawid, Sophie, James, Oliver, Annie, Heather, Christopher, Debbie and Mikey. Fond great grandmother of Lilian, Rupert, Chloe, Alicia, Cai and Jameson. Audrey will be sadly missed by her family and friends. Public service at St. Eleth Church, Amlwch on Thursday February 3rd 2022 at 11am followed by internment at Amlwch cemetery. Flowers and donations will be kindly accepted in memory of Audrey towards PDSA (cheques payable to ‘John Hughes and Son Donations Account’ or please visit our website to make an online donation – Enquiries and donations care of the funeral directors John Hughes & Son, Britannia, Machine St, Amlwch Port, LL68 9HA. Tel: 01407 830461.

16 January 2022

16eg o Ionawr 2022, o Llangefni, hunodd yn dawel yn Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor yn 75 mlwydd oed. Annwyl wraig Stanley. Mam gariadus Robert, Carol ag Andrew. Mam yng nghyfraith Gareth, Lynnette a Rhian. Nain balch Ceri, Katie, Cara, Rebecca, Catrin a Tomos. Hen nain i Junior ag Arthur. Hoff chwaer Wyn, Meryl a Delyth. Mi fydd yn golled enfawr i’w theulu a’i ffrindiau. Gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn Amlosgfa Bangor, Dydd Iau 27ain o Ionawr 2022 am 2.30 o’r gloch. Blodau teulu yn unig ond derbynnir rhoddion yn ddiolchgar pe dymunir i Ymchwil Cancr Gogledd Orllewin (sieciau yn daladwy i ‘R & A Hughes a’i Fab Cyfrif Rhoddion’ neu gallwch wneud ar ein gwefan Yn sgil cyfyngiadau niferoedd yn yr Amlosgfa, bydd y gwasanaeth yn cael ei ffrydio’n fyw ar ein gwefan – – Ffrydio’n Fyw – Amlosgfa - Enw’r defnyddiwr (vuja0102); Cyfrinair (240606). Ymholiadau a rhoddion drwy law yr ymgymerwyr R & A Hughes a’i Fab, Capel Penuel, Ffordd Glandwr, Llangefni, Ynys Môn, LL77 7EF. Ffôn: 01248 723 497.

16th January 2022, of Llangefni, passed away peacefully at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor, aged 75 years. Beloved wife of Stanley. Loving mother of Robert, Carol and Andrew. Mother-in-law of Gareth, Lynnette and Rhian. Proud grandmother Ceri, Katie, Cara, Rebecca, Catrin and Tomos. Great grandmother of Junior and Arthur. Dear sister of Wyn, Meryl and Delyth. Iona will be sadly missed by her family and friends. Public service and committal at Bangor Crematorium on Thursday 27th January 2022 at 2.30pm. Family flowers only but donations will be gratefully received towards North West Cancer Research (cheques payable to ‘R & A Hughes and Son Donations Account’ or please visit our website to make an online donation Due to limited numbers allowed to attend the Crematorium, the service will be live streamed via video link on our website – - Live Stream – Bangor Crematorium - Username (vuja0102) - Password (240606). Enquiries and donations care of the funeral directors R & A Hughes and Son, Penuel Chapel, Ffordd Glandwr, Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7EF. Tel: 01248 723 497.

13 January 2022

Passed away peacefully after a short illness and in the presence of her family at her home in Cemaes Bay, aged 51 years. Loving wife of Keith. Devoted mum of Lexi. Beloved daughter of Ann and the late Billy Hughes. Dear sister of Tony, Julie, Linda and Alison. Christine will be deeply missed by her family and wide circle of friends. Public service at St. Patrick’s Church, Cemaes Bay on Monday January 31st 2022 at 12.30pm followed by committal at Bangor Crematorium at 2.30pm. There is a provision for sound equipment at both locations. Family flowers only but donations will be kindly accepted in memory of Christine towards the Amlwch and Cemaes District Nurses (cheques payable to ‘John Hughes and Son Donations Account’ or please visit our website to make an online donation – Enquiries and donations care of the funeral directors John Hughes & Son, Britannia, Machine St, Amlwch Port, LL68 9HA. Tel: 01407 830461. The service at the church will be streamed live via our website – Live Stream at 12.30pm; and the committal at the crematorium will also be streamed via our website – Live Stream Bangor Crematorium – Username (zobe8997) – Password (919269) at 2.30pm.

09 January 2022

Passed away peacefully in the presence of his family at his home in Awelfryn Estate, Amlwch, aged 68 years. Beloved husband of Kath. Loving father of Lesley and James. Father-in-law of Mick and Claire. Proud grandfather to all his grandchildren and great grandchild. Dear brother of Peter, Colin, David, Karen and Kenneth. Ray will be sadly missed by his family and wide circle of friends. Public service at St. Eilian Church, Llaneilian on Wednesday January 26th 2022 at 1pm followed by committal at Bangor Crematorium at 2.30pm. Due to the current guidelines, there is a restriction on the number of attendees allowed inside of the church and crematorium, however there is a provision for sound equipment at both locations and the family invite additional friends to attend outside. Family flowers only but donations will be kindly accepted in memory of Ray towards the North Wales Cancer Research Centre (cheques payable to ‘John Hughes and Son Donations Account’ or please visit our website to make an online donation – Enquiries and donations care of the funeral directors John Hughes & Son, Britannia, Machine St, Amlwch Port, LL68 9HA. Tel: 01407 830461. The service at the church, and the committal at the crematorium, will be available on our website on 28th January 2022.

05 January 2022

Of Cemaes Bay, passed away at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor, aged 87 years. Beloved wife of the late Patrick (Paddy). Loving mother of Sean and Liam. Proud grandmother of Kieran, Shannon, Sinead and Pierce. Dear sister of the late Stuart Madders. Barbara will be sadly missed by her family, and wide circle of friends. Public service and committal at Bangor Crematorium on Monday January 24th 2022 at 3.30pm. Due to the current guidelines, there is a restriction on the number of attendees allowed inside of the crematorium, however the family invite additional friends to attend outside of the crematorium, to show your support to them. Family flowers only but donations will be kindly accepted in memory of Barbara towards RNLI Holyhead (cheques payable to ‘John Hughes and Son Donations Account’ or please visit our website to make an online donation – Enquiries and donations care of the funeral directors John Hughes & Son, Britannia, Machine St, Amlwch Port, LL68 9HA. Tel: 01407 830461. The service will be live streamed via video link on our website – - Live Stream – Bangor Crematorium - Username (vene5509) - Password (439871).